T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı
Sosyal Hizmetlere Erişimin Artırılması Projesi


"The Project for Increase Accessibility to Social Services (SOHEP)" started its activities to increase the access of Turkish citizens and persons under Temporary Protection and International Protection to quality social services.

Here are the planned activities:

New Social Service Centers (SSCs) will be opened in order to increase the access of the target group of the project to social services. In order to improve the services to be provided, trainings will be given to the personnel working in the newly opened SSCs.

New Day Care Centers will be set up and vehicles will be purchased for SSCs and Day Care Centers in order to facilitate and improve access to the services offered to our disabled and elderly beneficiaries who will benefit from the services within the scope of the project. Skills Studios will be established for skill development and fine motor skills development in Day Care Centers.

Child Protection Units and Mobile Service Vehicles will be purchased in order to increase the efficiency and accessibility of the services to be provided for the children who will benefit from the project. In addition to other services dealing with trauma and post-traumatic experiences of unaccompanied children under international protection and temporary protection, our Ministry will also provide psycho-social services to these children.

Women's Shelters and Violence Prevention and Monitoring Centers will be renewed for our female beneficiaries who will benefit from the services provided in the project. Moreover, a significant increase in the number of beneficiaries is aimed by determining the needed Psycho-social Support and Intervention Program.

For our beneficiaries who are victims of war and terrorism, it is planned to offer a Family Education Program and Basic Life Skills Training in order to relieve the stress related to war and migration, which negatively affects the psychological well-being of the family, and to reduce the traumas of these families. Furthermore, it is aimed to organize awareness and awareness trainings for people who will benefit from our services within the scope of the project.

Additionally to these studies, in order to increase the ability of the Ministry of Family and Social Services to provide quality social services to Turkish citizens and people under Temporary Protection and International Protection in need of assistance, it primarily attaches great importance to the development of human resources capacity. Therefore, it is planned to conduct training needs analyzes to increase the working capacity of the Ministry's central personnel and to organize trainings in line with the findings obtained as a result of this analysis.